Tim Kruger Fan Page

Tim Kruger is a German total top who's done 90 porn scenes and had sex with 97 different people on video (that we know of).

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Headshot of Tim Kruger


These stats are based on the data we have available to us. Our database is constantly growing, so in most cases these numbers are underestimates – the real numbers are higher.

Latest Tube Videos…

Grease Filled Fisting Party
5:10, 31K views,
3 ratings, 👍 50%
Group Of Greased Fisters Get Nasty
5:10, 31K views,
3 ratings, 👍 50%
Muscle Stud's Grease Filled Fisting Orgy
5:10, 42K views,
6 ratings, 👍 17%
Grease, Fisting War Of Pigs
5:10, 38K views,
7 ratings, 👍 36%
Fisting Orgy Gets Greasy
5:10, 32K views,
6 ratings, 👍 17%
Nasty, Greasy, All Out Manly Fist Orgy
6:00, 42K views,
5 ratings, 👍 60%

Highest Rated Tube Videos…

Grease Fist War
5:10, 51K views,
19 ratings, 👍 87%
Fist Slut Party Gets Greasy
5:10, 54K views,
16 ratings, 👍 84%
Furioust Fist Orgy
5:10, 50K views,
14 ratings, 👍 75%
Violator Brings Bucket Of Grease For Fist Party
5:10, 46K views,
11 ratings, 👍 73%
The Fisters' Greasy, Nasty Orgy
5:10, 44K views,
26 ratings, 👍 69%
Fist-Starved Grease Orgy
5:09, 42K views,
16 ratings, 👍 69%

Pictures Of Tim Kruger

Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Dick
Dick @ Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim on holiday"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim on holiday"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Dick
Dick @ Tim Tales from the scene "Tim on holiday"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim on holiday"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim on holiday"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Dick
Dick @ Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim on holiday"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Dick
Dick @ Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Dick
Dick @ Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"
Tim Kruger – Body
Body shot from Tim Tales from the scene "Tim Kruger"

Tell Us What You Think…

Overall, this pornstar is rated 100% positive from 21 ratings.
