Gabriel Shams Fan Page

Gabriel Shams is a total top who's done 2 porn scenes and had sex with 3 different people on video (that we know of).

Headshot of Gabriel Shams


These stats are based on the data we have available to us. Our database is constantly growing, so in most cases these numbers are underestimates – the real numbers are higher.

  • Date Of Birth: 1982-06-01 (current age: 42)
  • Sites: (2 scenes)
  • Scenes: 2
    • 1 known anal scene
      • Total top 1 time (100%)
      • 0% of his fuck scenes were bareback
    • 1 known solo scene
  • Has Had Sex With 3 People: , ,
  • Topping Stats:
    • Has fucked 2 people: ,
    • He's barebacked 0% of the people he's fucked
    • Confirmed Loads Given: 0

News & Interviews for Gabriel Shams

  • 2015-06-24:
    Doctors explained that he did not have a heart attack, but his blood pressure was and still is critically low, has a poorly functioning heart, pneumonia in his lungs, and infected blood which has adversely affected his kidneys.
  • 2014-03-25:
    …this man got the chance to study for free at one of the most prestigious institutions on the planet, only to end up as a gay escort in New York City and now he’s re-entering gay porn to shoot with Treasure Island Media.

Filmography for Gabriel Shams

Scenes Featuring Gabriel Shams

Pictures Of Gabriel Shams

Gabriel Shams – Body
Body shot from Randy Blue from the scene "Gabriel Shams"
Gabriel Shams – Body
Body shot from Randy Blue from the scene "Gabriel Shams"
Gabriel Shams – Body
Body shot from Randy Blue from the scene "Gabriel Shams"
Gabriel Shams – Body
Body shot from Randy Blue from the scene "Gabriel Shams"
Gabriel Shams – Ass
Ass shot from Randy Blue from the scene "Gabriel Shams"
Gabriel Shams – Body
Body shot from Randy Blue from the scene "Gabriel Shams"
Gabriel Shams – Body
Body shot from Randy Blue from the scene "Gabriel Shams"
Gabriel Shams – Body
Body shot from Randy Blue from the scene "Gabriel Shams"
Gabriel Shams – Topping
Topping @ Randy Blue from the scene "Fucking Foursome"
Gabriel Shams – Dick
Dick @ Randy Blue from the scene "Gabriel Shams"

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