Charioting the Beefy Holes of Sean Weston and Ryan Pup @

About This Scene…

Date Released:  2022-05-30
Scene Tags: 

Scene Description:

32+ minutes of pummeling out the hungry manholes of Sean Weston (@SeanWestonXXX) and Ryan Pup (@RyanPupXXX), showing off their gaping rosebuds as I chariot them. Love watching their beefy asses bounce as I punch their awaiting rosebuds. They are both fairly new to the scene, so go give them some love and if you haven't had a chariot fisting experience I highly recommend it!

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About This Scene…

Scene Description:

32+ minutes of pummeling out the hungry manholes of Sean Weston (@SeanWestonXXX) and Ryan Pup (@RyanPupXXX), showing off their gaping rosebuds as I chariot them. Love watching their beefy asses bounce as I punch their awaiting rosebuds. They are both fairly new to the scene, so go give them some love and if you haven't had a chariot fisting experience I highly recommend it!

Click here to see the full scene on