Deryck Campbell Solo @

About This Scene…

Date Released:  2012-08-20
Scene Tags: 

Scene Description:

Release date: August 20, 2012

Video Number: 1099

I am not sure who talked Deryck into doing video work. His sister is

an Out Proud lesbian who thinks her little bro will be popular with the

dudes, plus she is a big fan of guy-guy gay porn (but NOT interested in

seeing her brother!). But I think that was just coincidence as she

tagged along to the shoot to make sure her brother wasn't getting in

over his head.

She and her gay buddy arrived with Deryck

who kind of was the typical straight guy and let everyone else dominate the

conversation. He opened up once we were doing the photos, so I got to

know just a little bit more about him. But over all his sister did most of the talking.

He is 18 and the girls

seem to go crazy over him. He says he never says much or has game, but

they clearly gravitate naturally to him.

It's kind of fun to see

this country straight boy next to his rainbow

flag wearing gay sister. Very different personalities but seem to get

along great.  When they both go looking for hot ladies they

often have to flip coins on who is going home with who.

Since his sister and her friend are gay, he clearly has very few

issues with gay people, and I think he is pretty certain he can do an

oral video, but beyond that he is not so sure.

We will just have to wait and see!

Keywords: Theme - Solo, Chest - Smooth/Natural, Cock - Hung, Build - Muscular, Pubic Hair - Intact, Ethnicity - White Guys, Hair - Brown/DK Blond, Video - HD - High Def

I am not sure who talked Deryck into doing video work. His sister isan Out Proud lesbian who thinks her little bro will be popular with thedudes, plus she is a big fan of guy-guy gay porn (but NOT interested inseeing her brother!). But I think that was just coincidence as shetagged along to the shoot to make sure her brother wasn't getting inover his head.

She and her gay buddy arrived with Deryckwho kind of was the typical straight guy and let everyone else dominate theconversation. He opened up once we were doing the photos, so I got toknow just a little bit more about him. But over all his sister did most of the talking.

He is 18 and the girlsseem to go crazy over him. He says he never says much or has game, butthey clearly gravitate naturally to him.

It's kind of fun to seethis country straight boy next to his rainbowflag wearing gay sister. Very different personalities but seem to getalong great.  When they both go looking for hot ladies theyoften have to flip coins on who is going home with who.

Since his sister and her friend are gay, he clearly has very fewissues with gay people, and I think he is pretty certain he can do anoral video, but beyond that he is not so sure.

We will just have to wait and see!

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