Flip Fuck with Scott Lazarus @

About This Scene…

Date Released:  2022-11-10
Scene Tags: 

Scene Description:

You can tell by the jockstrap that everyone's taking a good pounding on this one. It's awesome when you get a furry stud that can go either way. When I'm horny (which is always) I never know whether I want to ram your ass or get railed first but I want to fuck as much as possible so if my dick needs a break my ass is ready to go. Who cums first and where? Hit play and find out!

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About This Scene…

Date Released: 2022-11-10

Scene Description:

You can tell by the jockstrap that everyone's taking a good pounding on this one. It's awesome when you get a furry stud that can go either way. When I'm horny (which is always) I never know whether I want to ram your ass or get railed first but I want to fuck as much as possible so if my dick needs a break my ass is ready to go. Who cums first and where? Hit play and find out!

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